
Read what members have to say about BayState

I own a structural engineering consulting firm that services the design and construction industries. As a new member it was not clear to me how many of the apparently unrelated Bay State member firms would be a source of leads for my business, nor I a source for them. However I quickly came to appreciate the power of a network of engaged professionals with their ears to the ground in support of others. Baystate has become a solid source of structural business, an excellent provider of services for my firm, and an important contributor to my sense of belonging within the larger business community. My business is stronger for my membership in Bay State, and I’ve made some great friends here too!

Steven Siegel, Owner and Principal,
Siegel Associates, Consulting Structural Engineers

I have been a member of Bay State Executive Association for several years and it is a perfect fit for me. Members are welcoming and truly want you to succeed. The weekly meetings keep me focused on the art of networking and the wealth of knowledge you learn from other professionals is invaluable. Our social events have given me an opportunity to form new friendships which is an unexpected perk. I am happy to report, that since joining Bay State my graphic design business has increased it’s revenue every year. Thank you Bay State!

Maureen Precopio,
MP Design

I have been a member of Bay State Networking Association for approximately 10 months now and I have received several new clients from multiple members in the group. In my opinion, the best way to grow a business is through connections and building trust with those connections. Bay State provides small business owners like me with an open and friendly forum of other professionals who really look out for each other’s best interest by sharing business ideas, business leads, and current market trends to help one another’s businesses grow. I consider Bay State Networking Association an invaluable part of my business and as importantly, the valued information and comradery of like-minded entrepreneurs of the Bay State group is immeasurable.

Kelly Hynes McDermott,
Hynes Communications

I’ve been a member of BayState since the mid-70’s when we were meeting at a Howard Johnson’s in Chestnut Hill. From HO-JO’s to ZOOM the group has been a significant source of support for my practice and afforded me weekly opportunities to help others develop their businesses by providing leads and contacts. I’m very grateful to be an active member of this unique group of men and women who regularly convene to support each other’s businesses in ways that work for everybody. I look forward to more years with BayState and to an increasingly diverse membership as we grow.

Mark Dooling,
Principal, Dooling & Company Architects

It has been my pleasure to associate with the members of Bay State Networking since I started my AST Business Movers almost 30 years ago. I have gained not only direct business, but also inspiration for raising the bar for my company. When something is working well, you tend to stick to it. Bay State has meant new ideas, new contacts, good people, and time very well spent!

Peter Griffin,

I have been a member of Bay State for almost three years and enjoy building relationships with the diverse professionals in our group. It has been an excellent source for referrals and new business. I’ve also found the unexpected benefit of partnering with other members on numerous printing, promotional, and design projects, resulting in new business opportunities and revenue. The group provides a platform to discuss and develop practical business strategies that have created an exceptional learning experience and helped grow my business.

Neal Shrier,
Principal, SHRIER W O R K S INC.

I’ve been a member of Baystate for nearly 25 years, and over time networking through our organization has grown to drive approximately 80% of my revenue stream. Networking can take a while, but it is fun to see the web of connections grow over time. Perhaps just as meaningful as the business side of things are the friendships that develop. A great example is one client I was introduced to 20 years ago who has not only grown themselves but, as they grew, have shared their contacts. Networking aside, I find Baystate to be a terrific source of regional knowledge, which puts me ahead of the curve on trends and opportunities. Lastly, I appreciate the ability to ask business questions and gain insights from a very talented and broad network of professionals.

 Gregg Shupe,

Attaining success inside of a professional networking group requires that you have two frames of perspective. One where you are trying to create opportunities for the other members to give you referrals to potential clients and projects. The other is where you look to the other members and the services and products that they provide to see if you would be a good client for them. In doing this, I found my fellow Bay State members to be 1000% reliable and dependable regardless of which frame I’m looking through, and this is invaluable to me as a person and a businessman.

Tony Chiarelli,
President / CEO, Landmark Associates