What’s a Meeting Like

BayState meets every Wednesday for one hour from 8am – 9am. Pre-COVID meetings were in-person, currently we meet via Zoom. Post-Covid we will likely institute a hybrid structure with a mix of virtual and in-person meetings.

Meetings begin with a round table where members pass information, tips and leads. Each person starts with a brief elevator pitch to maintain top of mind awareness among members and segue into leads. Once this portion of the meeting concludes one member will give a 20 minute presentation – it may outline their business, be industry focused or on a targeted topic. These presentations always include interesting insights that help members learn and grow. The meeting concludes promptly at 9:00.

BayState Members Kelly McDermott and Jeff Shaw

We feature two types of weekly morning meetings and
a variety of other events throughout the year.

Lead Sharing & Presentations

Three meetings per month are held in our standard format which consists of an up-front lead sharing session, then a member business presentation.

  • Lead sharing may include specific leads, general leads or industry scuttlebutt. Members strive to bring at least one lead to each meeting.
  • Roughly twice per year each member has the opportunity to give a presentation on their business and how members can help.
  • To stay on track there is limited back and forth during the meeting. However, members often meet afterwards to continue a discussion.

Lead Sharing & Sub Groups

Once per month we follow our lead sharing forum with “Sub Groups” which are designed to provide more detailed discussion and lets members drill down deeper on each of their businesses.

  • There is typically a discussion topic with group summaries fed back to the membership at the close of the meeting.
  • Each group typically consists of 4-6 people. The size allows more in-depth targeted conversation.
  • The format encourages Ad hoc discussion about leads, opportunities, and the nuances of each others businesses.

One-to-One Meetings

Outside of the meeting structure we encourage one-to-one meetings between members. These are designed for people to get to know each other better, typically last an hour, and are often over breakfast or lunch. People also frequently sit down to meet right after a Wednesday meeting. For the past year most one-to-one meetings have been held via Zoom.

Social Events

In addition to meetings we periodically hold social events. Some tend to be annual, such as summer and holiday parties. Others are Ad hoc such as a Trivia Night, Fall Event, Bowling Night, or Mini Golf. They are a great time and provide a way to have some fun and build friendships.


How does someone become a member?

Membership is by invitation only and we have only one member by industry to avoid conflicts. The vast majority of people are recruited into the group by our professional recruiter or via connections with a current member. They will attend several meetings followed by an interview with several Board members. As a final step their membership will be voted upon and approved by the Board. If you would like to visit a meeting or learn more about the group please click on our contact button at the top of the page.

How big is the organization?

We currently have 26 members and will likely grow to the low-30s which we consider our sweet spot. This is large enough to provide scale and scope but small enough to maintain tight knit camaraderie and personal connections.

Is BayState part of a larger organization, or a franchise?

Neither, BayState is a not for profit organization that was incorporated 50 years ago in Boston. We are an independent group that exists to further the interests of our members. We are not part of a larger franchise organization and feel that our independent status is one of our strengths.

What is your governance structure?

Baystate is governed by a Board of Directors, nominated and elected by the membership. The Board consists of a Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, and Membership Chair. There also Ad-hoc committees to handle projects and initiatives as needed.